tropical savanna & monsoon/rainforest
33 people per square mile
130,000 square miles
Often confused with the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) which used to be called by the same name, the Republic of Congo is also known as Middle Congo, Brazzaville, or just Congo. Having passed under the radar of most of the prominent political uprisings of the greater central African area, this sparsely populated country holds enormous travel potential in its seemingly endless tracts of tropical forest and “wet” savannah.
Traveling in the Republic of Congo can be difficult but very rewarding. Odzala-Kakoua is one of the oldest national parks in Africa and is home to the densest concentration of gorilla in all of Africa. This is the main reason to visit, though many people are surprised to discover the richness of other fauna, significantly the forest elephant and a host of other primates. However, traveling in this area is very specialized, please contact us for any travel questions you may have.
The Republic of Congo is poised to become one of the finest eco-tourism destinations in Africa. The country has three excellent and little-visited national parks with everything from luxurious safaris to bush camping. Odzala is a large Guineo-Congolian rainforest and one of the last strongholds of the lowland gorilla and boasts three luxurious safari camps. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Nouabale-Ndoki is an important home for forest elephants, gorillas, chimpanzees, and many other endangered mammals. Plus, it’s a rare example of a completely intact forest wilderness uninhabited by people. The newest national park, Conkouati-Douli is the most bio-diverse with beaches, mangrove swamps, savannas, and rainforests.
The capital city of Brazzaville enjoys a laid-back reputation with excellent views of the Congo River. There are also some nice beaches on the Atlantic Coast. A country with enormous potential, it beckons to the experienced traveler looking a true wilderness.


tropical savanna & monsoon/rainforest
33 people per square mile
130,000 square miles
Often confused with the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) which used to be called by the same name, the Republic of Congo is also known as Middle Congo, Brazzaville, or just Congo. Having passed under the radar of most of the prominent political uprisings of the greater central African area, this sparsely populated country holds enormous travel potential in its seemingly endless tracts of tropical forest and “wet” savannah.
Traveling in the Republic of Congo can be difficult but very rewarding. Odzala-Kakoua is one of the oldest national parks in Africa and is home to the densest concentration of gorilla in all of Africa. This is the main reason to visit, though many people are surprised to discover the richness of other fauna, significantly the forest elephant and a host of other primates. However, traveling in this area is very specialized, please contact us for any travel questions you may have.
The Republic of Congo is poised to become one of the finest eco-tourism destinations in Africa. The country has three excellent and little-visited national parks with everything from luxurious safaris to bush camping. Odzala is a large Guineo-Congolian rainforest and one of the last strongholds of the lowland gorilla and boasts three luxurious safari camps. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Nouabale-Ndoki is an important home for forest elephants, gorillas, chimpanzees, and many other endangered mammals. Plus, it’s a rare example of a completely intact forest wilderness uninhabited by people. The newest national park, Conkouati-Douli is the most bio-diverse with beaches, mangrove swamps, savannas, and rainforests.
The capital city of Brazzaville enjoys a laid-back reputation with excellent views of the Congo River. There are also some nice beaches on the Atlantic Coast. A country with enormous potential, it beckons to the experienced traveler looking a true wilderness.