Pre-Travel Information

Photography (and Other Equipment)

When traveling around the world, one wants to have the ability to capture each unforgettable moment in detail! Having the right photographic equipment that you are familiar with will render this task enjoyable, and not a frustrating chore. African conditions are certainly unique and these guidelines aim to make your equipment selection a little easier.

Phone Camera

The technological evolution of phone cameras has been astounding and in many respects the camera on your phone may be the easiest and best way to capture the memories of your safari. There are wide angle, and macro options available now on many phone cameras. They also made editing more accessible and therefore quicker! Also, they offer the variety of video options from time-lapse to slow motion, and all the bits in between. The limitations around camera phones are mainly in their inability to deal with low light conditions and loss of clarity when zooming.

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Super-zoom bridge cameras have also improved greatly in recent years with Nikon, Olympus and the Canon Powershot all being great options. They offer an incredible focal range – from capturing that close-up of an elephant’s eye to Namibia’s dune landscape – while being far more affordable and portable than a DSLR camera body and range of lenses.


For satisfying photography of birds and animals, a good DSLR (digital Single Lens Reflex) camera and telephoto lens is preferable. The new high-resolution digital cameras are outstanding and give superb quality images, especially if you are using a digital SLR camera body, with interchangeable lenses. The leaders are Nikon and Canon and one cannot go wrong with either. Semi-professional camera bodies like the Nikon D800s, or the Canon Rebel Range are very good choices.